Anti-socialist and Tea Party spokesperson Michele Bachmann announced she's a citizen
of Switzerland, a socialist nation with universal health care and
marriage equality. On a related note, Bachmann's family has received a
quarter of a million dollars in farm subsidies, the very thing she rails
against. We knew she was a bozo when she emerged on the national scene
wanting to investigate anyone in Congress "who wasn't patriotic." Seems
as this anti-socialist "patriot" takes government handouts AND chooses
to be a citizen of a socialist country. It's time for her constituents
in Minnesota to dump her for someone who'll better represent the people
of her district instead of re-electing this goofy gadfly.
Bachmann’s husband Marcus is eligible for Swiss citizenship because his
parents are Swiss immigrants, but he only recently registered with the
Swiss government, Politico reported earlier this week. Michele Bachmann
and her three youngest children became Swiss citizens on March 19,
according to the Politico report.
"I have never exercised any rights of that citizenship. Rather, I have
always pledged allegiance to our one nation under God, the United States
of America. We live in the greatest nation humankind has ever known and
I am proud to be an American but it's nice to have someplace to run to if I screw up too bad."